Monday, February 16, 2015

Dating in New Media

For my research top I want to do an analysis on dating websites/dating applications(Tinder) and the effects that these new social media websites have on society and the way people interact with each other.
Some potential questions that I will be trying to answer fall along the lines of:
Is it good that more people are connecting because of new media and the term "small world" existing because of these new media technologies?
Connecting people based on preferences/interests maintain longer and more intimate relationships?
Does this ruin face-to-face social interactions between people when they meet? Does it change the way people interact in general over time?
How these dating apps and websites are affecting modern day dating/relationships and mostly some positive and negative effects it may have on people.

First post

Just created this blog and this is my test post to see how my blog looks like with some material. Thanks for stopping by and reading the things I have to say about stuff in CIS3810.